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SD46 Career Programs

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career programs

Career Path


Your career path begins now. Connect your favourite core subjects and elective subjects to career opportunities.


Sunshine Coast School District 46 offers educational programs that prepare students for the transition from school into the workplace and further education and training in a chosen career pathway:



Are you ready to get experience and transition into the workplace?


How about earning post-secondary credits while you further your career skills?


Find out about career opportunities that are right for you!

Transitioning students into the next grade or into the working world from school takes all SD46 staff. At the Pro D Day cultural tour, Candace Campo said, “The youth are at the greatest time of their lives as they are learning from the whole community the skills they are going to need for the right of passage into adulthood.” Thank you to all SD46 staff for being involved in this journey!

We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to live in a community where business and education work together to develop students’ passions and turn it into careers. Thank you to all the employers for hosting Work Experience and Apprenticeship students in your businesses.

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