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SD46 Career Programs

Career Programs

The career programs are ‘Dual Credit Programs’.

The Dual Credit Programs give students an opportunity to get a head start on their career path by taking post-secondary courses while gaining high school graduation credits as well!

School District 46 covers tuition fees to help in this transition from school into the work place. Students are responsible to cover material fees for supplies that they take home with them after the course.

These courses and programs are offered through our partnerships with post-secondary universities.  Students are enrolled in university while they are still working on completing high school.  Dual Credit opportunities are available in trades (Automotive Service Technician, Cook, and Carpentry).   The School District is continuing to explore new opportunities as the students interest directs us.

1.  Youth Train in Trades            2.  Youth Work in Trades

 *Note: Work Experience is not a ‘Dual Credit Program’.

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