Youth Work in Trades
Youth Work in Trades
Students can earn graduation credits and begin accumulating work base training hours towards a Red Seal Trade. Students are employed in a recognized SkilledTradesBC trade with the majority of the training at the workplace and some online work. 120 Hours Equals 4 Credits up to a maximum of 16 credits (480 hours). This course is an excellent step for students to apply classroom learning in their chosen work placement and transition into a trade career.
- This is a high school credit program that provides students 14 years of age and over with the opportunity to begin an apprenticeship while still in school.
- Students must be employed (paid) in an apprenticeship trade. Please see SkilledTradesBC for the list of trades that are recognized in B.C.
- Youth Work in Trades can be completed on weekends, evenings, summer holidays, or on a special release from school if the timetable permits it.
- This could be a continuation of Work Experience or Train in Trades for students.
Please contact the career coordinator or your school counsellor for the Work in Trades Transition Plans form and how to apply.